

Our homeless ministry is commissioned to reach out with love and without judgment, to those without a roof over their heads. We aim to visit them, befriend them, and invest in their lives. We also want to provide them with food, clothing and shelter where possible, along with basic items for living, like toiletries. (See the calendar section for visitation dates).

Convalescent Home Visitation

We want to lift the spirits of those who can no longer live in their own homes. If we are there, they don’t have to be lonely and have something to look forward to. (See the calendar section for visitation dates).

Youth Programs

The goal of this ministry is to meet the unique needs of our youth within our church body and in the community at large. Ultimately, we want each youth to know that they matter and to reach their potential in God. We accomplish this through Bible teaching, mentoring, tutoring, scholarships (>60 awarded thus far) , as well as exposing them to wholesome fun activities. Our youth ministry coordinator can be contacted at or by calling the church office at (909) 367-8863. (See the calendar section for events & activities).

Men’s Ministry

Our goal is to have strong male leadership within our church and in the community. By teaching and discipling men we put God’s best into them. As God’s men commune together through various activities, we compliment and reinforce the teaching, thus bringing God’s best out of each other. The Men’s Ministry is led by our Pastor, Dr. Michael E. Morris. You may reach the pastor by e-mailing or by calling our church office at (909) 367-8863. (See the calendar section for events & activities).

Women’s Ministry

Our women’s ministry is led by our church co-founder, Trena Morris. We aim to meet the unique needs of God’s women by providing love and a listening ear. Various activities also provide a safe, wholesome and enjoyable environment for Christian to thrive. We also want to reach out to women in the community who are vulnerable or hurting, letting them know that God loves them and meeting their needs wherever possible. Trena can be contacted at or by calling our church office at (909) 367-8863. (See the calendar section for events & activities).

Hospital Visitation

This ministry is commissioned to provide loving love and encouragement to those who are sick in the hospital. The goal is to help the ill to know that they are important and not forgotten. They are also reminded of God’s healing powers and that His divine will is supreme although the doctors may be used by him as a tool. (See the calendar section for visitation dates).
